Find Your Professional Home at AMA Atlanta
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Successful marketing professionals know it takes more than job skills to build a career. It takes a network to call upon when you’re in search of resources and guidance, the highest level of educational programs to remain current in the field, a group of equally dedicated marketers to grow with, and opportunities to give back to our industry. It takes AMA Atlanta.
Since 1949, the AMA Atlanta has been part of the largest marketing organization in the country and consistently ranked among the top five chapters. Representing professionals from entry-level to C-suites, our members range from consultants and independent agencies to non-profits and multi-national brands. With more than 80 chapters across the U.S., members have access to a network far beyond the Atlanta metropolitan area.
A few benefits of membership include:
- Discounted admission for regular AMA Atlanta monthly events
- Special access and discounts for AMA national events and conferences
- Members-only content featuring the latest articles and research by topic, including white papers and best practices, plus an extensive archive
- Ability to download and customize interactive templates and guides from the AMA Marketer’s Toolkit
- Access to live webcasts and hundreds of on-demand webcasts and podcasts on the latest marketing topics
- Exclusive AMA e-Newsletters featuring in-depth, members-only content on the latest developments in marketing
- Opportunities to participate in the mentorship program as a mentee or mentor
- And more!
If you’re looking to expand your career and yourself, look no farther than AMA Atlanta. Your professional home is here.
Reach out to one of our membership team and join today!
If you’re a new member and want to fast-track in your involvement in the chapter, learn about our ENGAGE program.
If you’re already a member and would like to either dive back in or strengthen your ties within the chapter, check out our RE-ENGAGE program.
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Engagement is Key
When you’re new to any group, it usually takes a while to navigate your way through its processes to find your place. Also difficult is being a member, but either not having enough time at the beginning to invest in the organization or having to step away for a while due to work commitments or family life. Compounding the situation, many people still feel disengaged due to the online life we were forced into due to COVID-19.
AMA Atlanta has two new programs to help fast-track your engagement.
- AMA ENGAGE! is a systematic way for new members to become familiar with the chapter, meet new people and learn how to navigate the opportunities.
- AMA Re-ENGAGE! is re-entry program for existing members who are ready to jump back in and take full advantage of their membership.
AMA ENGAGE! for New Members
If you’re a new member who has joined within the past 6 months, AMA ENGAGE! is a great way to orient you to the Atlanta chapter, introduce you to many of the key players, provide you with an opportunity to sample volunteer opportunities and help you to start building your network.
To qualify for this program, you must be able to devote at least 2 hours a week to the chapter for a period of 8 weeks, complete your list of selected activities and log your activities on a weekly basis. Some of the activities you’ll have to choose from are below.
- Participate in a new member orientation session either in person or online
- Attend at least two monthly chapter events and identify at least one person each time to network with following the event
- Schedule a 15-minute “get to know you” call with a board member
- Volunteer to assist at least one committee with a project or ongoing effort
- Invite at least two colleagues to attend a chapter event with you
For more information or to sign up, email Karen Phillips, VP of Membership, at kwphillips@phillipsmarek.com.
AMA Re-Engage for Existing Members
For people who have been chapter members for 6 months or longer, AMA Re-ENGAGE! is a great refresher course about the many benefits AMA has to offer. It also provides quick avenues for networking and many opportunities for chapter engagement.
To qualify for this program, you must be willing to devote at least 2 hours a week to the chapter for a period of 8 weeks, complete your list of selected activities and log your activities on a weekly basis. Some of the activities you’ll have to choose from are below.
- Participate in a meetup designed for Re-ENGAGE! Participants
- Attend at least two monthly chapter events and identify at least one person each time to network with following the event
- Invite and accompany at least one marketer to attend a chapter program who has never been involved with AMA Atlanta
- Volunteer to participate in the AMA Mentorship program as a mentor or mentee
- Commit at least 2 hours to the Membership Committee to help new members feel welcome
- Provide suggestions to the Membership Committee about how to best engage new members
For more information or to sign up, email Karen Phillips, VP of Membership, at kwphillips@phillipsmarek.com.